ITT 281 -- Demonstration Site

Text Page Image Page Form Page Template CSS Text CSS

Steve Cossaboom's Text Page

A sampling of text formatting techniques.

Most browsers display everything here nicely,
except Interent Explorer, of course...

That's okay, I don't use Internet Exploiter anyway!

The formatting styles on this page are in compliance with the specifications of the assignment, as far as I know.
(I'll have to review the specs again to be sure.
I should check the Evaluation page, too!)

Some lists...

  • Blonds
  • Brunettes
  • Red Heads
  • Eniac
  • Internet
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Some numbered lists...

  1. Reading
  2. wRiting
  3. aRithmetic
  1. Bacon
  2. Eggs
  3. Toast
  4. Pancakes

Some lists in boxes...

  1. Raised on a farm.
  2. Educated in a city.
  3. Lived in a rural town.
  4. Worked in a machine shop.
  1. Corn Dogs
  2. Cotton Candy
  3. Cheese Burgers
  4. Loaded Pizzas

A list with image bullets:

  • Big Band
  • Swing
  • Bebop
  • Fusion

And now I will attempt to dazzle the viewer with
text effects intersperced within a paragraph of text.

First, as I was taught in Word class,
and as I also taught my students,
I will type I typed the text and then format it. So here goes...

Hi, my name is Steve Cossaboom and I am getting ready to begin a Master of Computer Science degree here at the University of Southern Maine. I currently hold a Bachelor of Science degree which I received from Granite State College in NH. I taught computer courses at Andover College in Portland for two years.

My main interests are in computers, especially graphics and web design. I am an amateur photographer and use my own photos in websites when they are appropriate. I also design websites for businesses and churches. I currently have three websites that use WordPress as the content management system.