ITT 281 -- Demonstration Site

Text Page Image Page Form Page Template CSS Text CSS

Steve Cossaboom's Images Page

Imagemap for site Text Page Images Page Form Page CSS File

Image Map: This is the image map for the site. It has coordinates set in the HTML code to instruct the browser to open the page that is link to each designated area. In this map the area is a rectangle. Each word formed by a graphic image and combined here form the links for the other pages on the site. A rectangular area corresponds to each of the words. The above image is a PNG.

The following HTML code sample shows the tags and properties used to make an image map.
The link opens my Demo project Text page:

<img src="media/imagemap.png" width="500" height="61" usemap="#map" alt="Imagemap for site" />

   <map name="map">
      <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,123,61" href="index.html" alt="Text Page" title="Text Page" target="_blank" />

Quick shape for the project... Java String Art, created using Java code & Trig.

PNGs: These images are Portable Network Graphic images and have transparent backgrounds. PNGs came about, partly, as a result of a dispute about ownership of the GIF file format. 1
PNGs are well suited for images with subtle shades of color and more than 256 colors. The transparency feature makes this format very goods for shapes other than the usual rectangle or square.

High quality, low compression. Low quality, high compression.

JPGs: JPG is short for JPEG -- Joint Photographers Expert Group. The JPG image on the left was saved using low compression and high quality set at about 90 in Photoshop. The 'jpg' on the right was saved at medium quality set at 50, with high compression.
The JPEG format is excellent for photographs because it supports images with millions of colors. JPEG compression is called lossy because information that makes up the image itself can be lost during the process.
There are lossless methods of JPEG editing that can be used. 2

Logo image with transparent background. Logo image with solid color background.

GIFs: GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format,3 and it supports transparent backgrounds, but only 256 colors. This is a less desirable format for images that have a lot of subtle colors in them. It is, however, a very good format for text images, background images that do not need a lot of colors, but small file size for quikck loading in the browser. The image on the left has a transparent background and the one on the right does not. They were created in Adobe Illustrator and the quality leaves something to be desired....

Thumbnail linked to larger image

Thumbnail: The thumbnail links to another image and is used to allow the page to load more quickly and the larger image can be loaded later, by itself, when the thumbnail is clicked.

1. Wikipedia Article on GIF image -- PNG alternative.
2. Wikipedia Article on Lossless JPEG Editing
3. Wikipedia Article on GIF images.

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