
Cutting on the Band Saw

The band saw is an all around tool. The band saw can be used to cut many different types of cuts that include: curved, irregular,
beveled, and straight cuts.
This web page describes the proper way to cut a curved or irregular cut.


Controls: The controls on the Vertical Band Saw in the materials processing laboratory consist of the following:

Operation (Irregular or Curved Cuts): An irregular or curved cut is achieved when a piece of stock is moved around in a circular motion to make a curve or square.
Stock is being pushed into the blade. Note the position of the hands and the blade guards height above the stock. Again note the position of the hands, they are a safe distance away from the blade. Only turn the stock while moving forward.

Potential hazards: Because the blade on the band saw is one continuous blade and for the speed that it goes the follow hazards exist.

Safety practices: Because of these potential hazards the following safety rules must be followed.
Duvall, John B., (1996) Contemporary Manufacturing Processes. Goodheart-Willcox Company Inc. Tinley Park, Illinois.

ITT 252 - Materials Processing
Department of Technology
University of Southern Maine
Prepared by Keith Wallace, 12/11/02